All About Frames at Rivertowers

6641 Wakefield Drive Suite 115

Alexandria, Virginia 22307





     Photographs can be very fragile things - they come to us all crisp and shiny and beautiful but over time become torn, faded, stuck to glass - after all, photographs are just paper. Paper is short lived. 

     Photographs sometimes need people added (like that aunt from the Old Country) or subtracted - that ex son-in-law, for instance. Then there's that dog sniffing himself in the family portrait or the light that looks like it's growing out of Grandpa's ear. All of these problems and many more can be repaired or restored at All About Frames.

     If your family photos are faded and wrinkled, moldy or scribbled on by a two year old,  we can breathe new life into them with our restoration skills. If you have a black and white photo that you would like to see in color, bring it to All About Frames.


 Photo Restoration F.A.Q.


All I can find is the actual photograph, the negative seems to have disappeared.  Do you need the negative?

    No, all we need is the photograph.


What happens to this original photo of mine?  Will you return it to me?

    Yes, of course you will have the original returned to you.  We need it only long enough to scan or photograph into the computer, then you may retrieve it.


Do you work with digital files?  My photograph has been put onto a CD.

    Yes, bring the CD to All About Frames or you can even email the file directly to David.  Check with me first so I can give you directions. Sometime a file is too large to email so I will need it on a CD.


Do you make prints for me?

   Yes, we can make the finished prints any size you wish on real photographic paper (not inkjet prints).  You will also be given a CD with your finished project (because your family will probably want copies and this way you can make as many copies as you wish, wherever and whenever you wish).


I do not like the appearance of "new" photographs.  Can you do any work directly on my original?

   Yes.  Over the years we have pioneered many techniques for the repair and restoration of original photographs.  Of course there are some hopeless cases, but we have found that most photos can be made to look a whole lot better, sometimes just by special cleaning techniques.


Why does it cost so much to have a photograph repaired?  After all,  "it's just a picture!"

   We have to charge you for the amount of time it takes to do the work. Software makes the process much easier now than it ever was in the old days, but time and skill are still the key ingredients.



All About Frames at Rivertowers

6641 Wakefield Drive Suite 115

Alexandria, Virginia 22307
